CMW Marketing + Creative

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Frank H. Cox III

(501) 448-6661

1405 North Pierce St, Suite 301
Little Rock, AR 72207

CMW Marketing + Creative is an independent, full-service, Arkansas-based marketing agency specializing in cultivating brand experiences through digital and traditional media channels.


Storytelling. Branding. Messaging. Selling. Communicating. There are different names for the work we do, however, our goal is the same—connecting businesses and brands with potential customers and clients. Our team plans, designs, and executes marketing and advertising strategies tailored to fit our clients’ needs and goals.

CMW Marketing + Creative is a full-service agency, offering marketing strategies, content planning, and creative design across various medias, platforms, and channels. Our services include:

  • Social media marketing (SMM)
  • Search engine marketing (SEM)
  • Directory services
  • Reputation and Online Review Services
  • Digital channel strategy and execution
  • Photography and image sourcing
  • Website design, construction, and optimization
  • Search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Content Strategy
  • Content Creation


We strive to bring the best and brightest ideas, and our award-winning creative products showcase our dedication to the craft. CMW’s creative services can be tailored for digital and traditional applications, ensuring your business or project covers the whole marketing mix. Our Creating Services include:​

  • Visual brand creation
  • Website Development
  • Graphic standards for all applications
  • Copywriting/content creation
  • Graphic design
  • Outdoor
  • Print
  • Commercial art direction
  • Print materials design
  • Catalog design and creation
  • Direct mail design and execution
  • Photography/Videography